Economic Development

Mayor John Kamler
The City of Owensville's Mayor, John Kamler will be working with the Economic Development   By advancing the economic interest of Owensville by offering communication with cooperation, and encouraging collaborative efforts between the City, the Chamber of Commerce and the citizens; leading to sustainable economic growth and prosperity for all.

Through retention and expansion of the employment base, improvements to public infrastructure and the growth of the City's fiscal position, prosperity can be achieved.  Major activities include planning for future expansion; working with the business community and developers in an effort to stimulate growth; and being active in regional and state economic development communities to create and expand awareness about Owensville.

All projects undertaken require coordination and cooperation between developers, City officials and state representatives.  Our vision is based on what is valued most by the City representatives and the citizens of the community. The Board of Aldermen, Mayor and City staff is committed to planning, analyzing options and working together with all partners to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Owensville.

Enhanced Enterprise Zone benefits are available for more information contact John Kamler at or contact him at 573-291-6133 or leave a message at City Hall at 573-437-2812